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40th Anniversary of the Groundbreaking of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
From the eUpdate Newsletter 40th Anniversary of the Groundbreaking of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial & National Vietnam War Veterans Day March 26-29, 2022 “With conviction, our Nation pledges our enduring respect, our continuing care, and our everlasting...
Veterans Day 2017
Veterans Day 2017 marks the 35th anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. For most of those 35 years, SDIT has played an integral part in bringing to life the stories of the 58,318 names on 'The Wall.' Starting on November 7th, Gold...
‘The Vietnam War’ by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick
Watch Full Episodes Online of The Vietnam War | Broadcast Version on PBS The Vietnam War - Premieres Sunday, September 17, 8/7c. #VietnamWarPBS - Check your local PBS station for air times. Since May, SDIT members across the country have attended previews...
‘They Were Our Fathers’ – a film by Gold Star daughter Jill Hubbs
“They were all serving our nation…answering the call to duty in the Vietnam War. Their lives were cut short. These men left behind their families and friends to grieve their loss... Their stories are powerful testimonies about the true cost of...
The Children of 9/11…from CBS News
NEW YORK -- While the rituals remain the same, how we keep 9/11 in our hearts and heads is still a work in progress -- not just because of the loved ones lost that day, but because of the more than 3,000 children they left behind.For years, the kids had...
SDIT, Other Groups Join Call for Support of All Gold Star Families
August 1, 2016 (Updated August 2, 2016) To the military and veterans communities, nothing is more sacred or honored than the families of those who are grieving the death of their fallen military hero, a member of our armed forces who has died...
Families Gather for the Cleaning of The Wall
Stars and Stripes: A wash to honor fathers' sacrificeFamilies gather for a cleaning of the Wall By Heath Druzin Stars and Stripes Published: June 20, 2015 WASHINGTON — For years, Patty Lee didn’t speak about her father; her mother never discussed him...
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