Sons and Daughters in Touch is an all-volunteer, national support organization committed to uniting the Gold Star sons and daughters of American servicemen who were killed, or who remain missing, as a result of the Vietnam War. In addition, our membership includes family members and many military veterans who served with our fathers — all dedicated to furthering the mission of SDIT.
Sons and Daughters In Touch is made possible through the assistance of our sponsors and supporters.
Our Mission
Sons and Daughters In Touch is dedicated to locating, uniting, and supporting America’s Gold Star Children from the Vietnam War, and providing them with care, community, and connections.
Children lost their fathers in the Vietnam War
Connections with Gold Star Families made through Quarterly Zoom Meetings, eUpdates, and Youtube Channel
Gold Star Families personally honored at Gold Star family tributes across the nation
Our Impact
Sons and Daughters In Touch is proud to share its 2022 Impact Report reflecting the programs and events its members and those committed to supporting America’s Gold Star Families.
As you read this report, we invite you to celebrate the accomplishments and be part of the future of Sons and Daughters In Touch!